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发布日期:2025-01-04 15:48 点击次数:148
【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』大虹桥双轨交新盘2站前湾3站虹桥枢纽新长宁·水韵名邸二期建筑面积约82-133㎡精装宅邸火热销售中【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』简单的说,城市发展,其实就是一笔经济账有1个亿的投入,恨不得要有2个亿的经济效益【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』因此但凡投入巨额真金白银的板块,势必是官方认定的潜力高地未来快速崛起拥有更强的确定性而下一个这样的板块已毫无悬念的曝光,那就是重固:总投资约433.7亿,示范区线预计2026年竣工可与多条轨交交汇串联,沿途多个TOD规划密集的落在这个板块毫无疑问,官方已经率先重仓下注这个板块【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』而说起示范区线,作为一条与17号线平行布局的轨交,走向分布都差距不大示意图那么,为何还要花费巨额投资示范区线?示范区线未来长三角举足轻重的城市“大动脉”如果说,17号线代表着当下,串联上海西部的生活线路;那示范区线则代表着未来,以产城融合为目标因为,示范区线连接长三角一体化的两核——【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』动力核(虹桥国际开放枢纽)以及创新绿核(先行启动区)图源长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范区产业发展规划图TA的每一个站点拥有很重要的战略地位,承载了一个更宏大的规划:1,示范区线串联起多个大体量tod规划以示范区线为抓手,ta既串联了上海三大顶流产业【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』,又紧密连接长三角一体化和大虹桥两大国家级战略比如,商业商办约200万方,科创研发约200万方的前湾吸引投资约119亿,导入3-4w名高端科研人才的华为研发中心【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』图源百度地图海量人才、资金都持续涌入示范区线沿线,换句话说,抓住示范区线等同于拥有长三角未来!2,惊人的多轨交汇配置示范区线的重要性,从与多条轨迹的串联性就能看出除了17号线,连接的另外2条线路13号线/机场联络线势能也不小1)13号线——联动东西通道,整合城市资源【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!13号线能级高,沿途长风、淮海中路、新天地、世博等黄金区域高效串联中心城区和长三角之间的联系图源百度地图2)机场联络线——汇聚浦东张江、徐汇华之门势能机场联络线则打通了从西到东的板块资源,大虹桥、七宝、华泾、张江、浦东机场这些区域在上海持续领跑全国GDP冠军的成绩中【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!,都分别承担着及其重要的引领、拉动和支撑作用随着这2条轨交的联动,势必将进一步提升这些区域的经济体量图源百度地图值得注意的是,示范区线“赵重公路站”段周边还有崧泽高架路,两者叠加进一步拉近了与虹桥核心区的距离图源百度地图说了这么多,示范区线计划2026年建成投用在方便未来出行的同时,更牢牢将青浦、将重固嵌入长三角一体化发展的“快车道”,进一步强化这里对长三角产业人口的吸引力换而言,未来这里会涌入更多高收入、高素质的人才,板块消费水平势必会提升一个level并且,这里也将汇聚上海四面八方的购买力,那客户池广、购买力强未来会反哺二手房价值板块发展箭在弦上!国企新长宁慧眼识珠匠造示范区线上性价比之王如此具有确定性的高潜力板块,恰巧吸引了深耕上海26年【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!,长宁区实力国企——新长宁集团的注意作为上海市房地产开发企业50强的ta,近几年建设项目获得多项殊荣:西郊的虹桥怡景苑别墅,获“2002年度上海建设工程白玉兰奖”古北的嘉年华庭,先后获“上海市优秀住宅创新奖、绿化环境奖和规划建筑奖”虹桥嘉汇,获“三星级绿色建筑设计标识证书、【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!海绿色建筑贡献奖”江森总部大楼获美国LEED铂金认证(93分为亚洲最高分)新长宁集团在上海的每一个作品,都值得称赞这样一个品牌实力与交付力有保障的企业,在当下市场环境中更为珍惜示意图要么不出手,一出手就是区域标杆这一次择址示范区赵重公路站直线约1公里的位置【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!,再造佳作——新长宁水韵名邸,均价仅约3.48w/㎡图源百度地图并且,从多维度来看,TA的性价比十分显著1,单价“3”字头,肉眼可见的价格优势1)地铁相距2站,价差高达约3.5w未来项目从示范区线出发2站即达前湾参考前湾目前新房均价已达6.95w,2站价差约3.5w/㎡,这在上海也十分罕见!图源百度地图不仅如此,新长宁水韵名邸均价约3.48w还是整条示范区线上的“价格洼地”图源百度地图2)再宏观点看,价格优势就更明显了同西虹桥辐射区内,徐泾6w+、赵巷5w+【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!,就连华新、青浦新城都在4w+想在大虹桥周边买3房至少需要4-500w图源百度地图即便站在同维度上,以大虹桥为圆心,性价比这关也没输过图源百度地图更重要的是,价格极具优势,配套也丝毫不逊色2,性价比之上,还是即刻享受的便捷生活【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!同价位段新房普遍配套不足,但新长宁水韵名邸是个例外区位图一方面,TA得益于青浦商业、优质公共服务设施遍地开花示范区线赵重公路站规划约19万方商业,【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!而沿着17号线各色商业每一站都是购物目的地示意图另一方面,TA所在的重固板块“未来可期”根据规划,板块内还涌入不少高能产业、商业、教育等,未来城市界面将焕然一新与此同时,还有大量商业、住宅用地等待出让【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!这些无疑进一步佐证了未来重固将是青浦下一个着力打造的板块图源重固规划示意图即享当下又不惧未来的配套设施,性价比还如此诱人,新长宁水韵名邸真的值了!【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!刚需上车不得不看高得房率+一梯2户“神户型”而就在这个可以“躺平”的项目上新长宁集团仍然保持匠心,让你居住体验度更高的同时,还手握穿越房产周期的致胜法宝从景观、社区规划、户型设计等多维度,相比其他新盘优势格外突显1,更宜居:蓝绿交融,打造水系社区如今购房者对居住环境要求很高,临水而居、亲近自然的居住诉求愈发明显只不过拥有这种天然水系新盘的价格差不多都要500-600w示意图而新长宁水韵名邸总价仅200-300w,却享受着自然水系带来宜居环境效果图,仅供参考并且,项目对于水系资源的利用,不像其他项目,其充分考虑到如何巧妙结合社区景观与天然水系,打造不一样的美景1)从社区外部来看,犹如住进公园整个社区蓝绿交融,这不仅仅是视觉的【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!享受,更是拥有了一方直接亲近自然的机会,享受互动的空间效果图,仅供参考2)走进社区后,更强调全龄业主的参与性其内部的景观功能更丰富,采用“一带、一核、【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!林下会客、麓林乐园等十余个功能空间效果图,仅供参考整体景观配置充分考虑到全龄段业主的需求更有健康跑道、让你在天然河畔、滨水社区享受健康有氧运动【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!效果图,仅供参考2、更时尚:新式海派风格,呈现多元化生活同时,项目在进行建筑设计时,就不断对自己提出更高的美学要求特意聘请了设计过古北壹号,【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!融创徐汇滨江壹号等豪宅的上海天华建筑设计有限公司,打造了独特的新式海派风格外立面由干挂石材、真石漆+深咖色铝板装饰,提升建筑的质感与精致度效果图,仅供参考当然,新长宁所谈及的品质,不仅是社区尺度和建筑的质感,内部装修标准同样看中3、更舍得砸钱:比肩其他6w+住宅的精装标准,细节入微看得见的地方,一线国际高端品牌:科勒(或同等品牌)的卫浴洁具,老板(或同等品牌)燃气【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!灶,樱花(或同等品牌)热水器,格力美的(或同等品牌)中央空调...整体配置属于同价位段上乘水平,甚至足够比肩6w+新盘居住于此,品质感升维毋庸置疑品牌信息,仅供参考看不见的细节,新长宁也丝毫不马虎:比如,项目按照绿色1星标准建造,屋顶引入绿色环保光伏板块【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!,窗户采用断桥铝合金低辐射中空玻璃,隔音隔热效果更好同时在智能化方面采用八大安防系统,来保障业主安全效果图,仅供参考4、更好的户型:小户型也能住出改善级别的尺度感新长宁水韵名邸共8栋12-14F小高层,将推出建面约82-92-111-133㎡2-4房,满足不同预算段的居住需求并且,此次加推1、7、8#,楼栋位置临河,视野更棒!房源分布图1)“一梯两户+无连廊设计”,更配有“梯控”项目整体采用一梯两户无连廊的设计,从根本上解决了隐私和采光影响在环境更静谧的同时,在电梯内设有梯控系统,层层入户,保障安全性及独立性【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!而相比普遍户型约72-75%的得房率,项目也有超常规的优势,对比同面积段户型,让业主感受到堪比洋房的居住体验感效果图,仅供参考2)大面宽+大阳台的“神户型”设计①主推3房设有3个面积段,统一飞机户型设计,充分利用空间飞机户型的空间排布,充裕但不浪费,将每一平米更大化利用餐厅、客厅、厨房和阳台相互连通,减少了过道的存在感,让室内的空间利用率进一步提高南北通透的全明设计,格局上实现了真正的南北通透,【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!通风和采光效果非常不错其中,尺度感更大的约111㎡主卧还配备独立衣帽间、卫浴② 建面约82㎡2房1卫,入手“门槛”更低的户型即便是建面约82㎡小户型,也做到了玄关设计,功能性十足卧室均带飘窗,让室内得到更好延展据悉,小户型南向开间还做到了约6.3米对于总价2字头的户型来说,实用性、空间感十足③ 建面约133㎡4房2卫,经典四叶草户型+大横厅该户型四开间朝南,大横厅面宽惊人,搭配宽景阳台,阔绰尺度,尽显尊贵全卧室飘窗,主卧南北通套房,【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!带步入式衣帽间+独立卫浴,私密性、仪式感都做足更有尊贵的独立餐厅设计,“U型”厨房直连餐厅,彰显华贵不仅户型出挑,装标更加“锦上添花”不夸张的说,新长宁水韵名邸精准地踩中当下购房者的需求,将产品力所能做到的优势,发挥到了极致![Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! "Friendly tips: The model room to take an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" big Hongqiao double-track delivery of new disk2 Station Qianwan 3 station Hongqiao HubNew Changning · Shui Yun Mansion IIConstruction area of about 82-133㎡ hardcover mansionHot sales [Qingpu New Changning Shui Yun name mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! "Friendly tips: The model room takes the appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit"To put it simply, urban development is actually an economic accountThere are 100 million investment, wish to have 200 million economic benefits [Qingpu new Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! "Friendly tips: The model room takes the appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit"Therefore, where a huge amount of real money is invested in the plate, it is bound to be the official potential highlandThe rapid rise of the future has greater certaintyAnd the next such plate has no doubt been exposed, that is, heavy fixation:The total investment is about 43.37 billion, and the demonstration zone line is expected to be completed in 2026It can be intersected and connected with multiple rails, and multiple TOD plans fall densely on this plate along the wayThere is no doubt that the official has taken the lead in placing heavy warehouse bet on this plate [Qingpu New Changning Shui Yun name mansion] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! "Friendly tips: The model room takes the appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit"Speaking of the demonstration zone line, as a rail interchange with the parallel layout of Line 17, there is not much difference in the trend distributionSchematic drawingSo why spend a huge amount of money to invest in the demonstration zone line?Demonstration lineFuture Yangtze River Delta pivotal city "major artery"If we say that Line 17 represents the current life line connecting the west of Shanghai;The demonstration zone line represents the future, aiming at the integration of industry and cityBecause, the demonstration area line connects the two cores of the Yangtze River Delta integration - [Qingpu New Changning Shui Yun name Mansion] Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" power core (Hongqiao International Open Hub) and innovation green core (early start-up area)Yangtze River Delta eco-green integrated development demonstration zone industrial development planning mapEach of TA's sites has an important strategic position and carries a larger plan:1. Several large tod plans are connected in series by the demonstration zone lineWith the demonstration area line as the starting point, ta has connected the three top flow industries in Shanghai [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun name Mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit", and closely connected to the Yangtze River Delta integration and the Great Hongqiao two national strategiesFor example, commercial enterprises do about 2 million square meters, and science and technology research and development about 2 million square meters of QianwanAttracting an investment of about 11.9 billion yuan and introducing 3-4 W high-end scientific research talents to Huawei R & D Center [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Name Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hard-cover mansion beautiful! "Friendly tips: The model room takes the appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit"Map source Baidu mapA large number of talents and funds continue to pour into the demonstration zone line, in other words, to seize the demonstration zone line is equivalent to having the future of the Yangtze River Delta!2, amazing multi-track intersection configurationThe importance of the demonstration zone line can be seen from the series with multiple tracksIn addition to line 17, the other two lines connected to Line 13 / airport connection line are also not small potential energy1) Line 13 - Linkage east-west channel, integration of urban resources [Qingpu New Changning Shui Yun name Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful!Line 13 is high in energy level, along the way Changfeng, Huaihai Middle Road, Xintiandi, Expo and other golden areasEfficient connection between the central city and the Yangtze River DeltaMap source Baidu map2) Airport connection line - Gather potential energy of Pudong Zhangjiang and Xu HuihuaThe airport liaison line opens up the resources from the west to the east, including Dahongqiao, Qibao, Huajing, Zhangjiang and Pudong airportsThese areas continue to lead the national GDP champion in Shanghai [Qingpu New Changning Shui Yun name Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! All of them bear the important role of leading, pulling and supportingWith the linkage of these two tracks, the economic volume of these regions is bound to be further enhancedMap source Baidu mapIt is worth noting that there is also Songze viaduct around the "Zhaozhong Highway Station" section of the demonstration zone line, and the superposition of the two further reduces the distance with the Hongqiao core areaMap source Baidu mapHaving said so much, the demonstration zone line is planned to be completed and put into operation in 2026While facilitating future travel, Qingpu will be firmly embedded in the "fast lane" of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and its appeal to the industrial population of the Yangtze River Delta will be further strengthenedIn other words, in the future, there will be an influx of more high-income, high-quality talents, and the consumption level of the sector is bound to increase one levelIn addition, it will also gather the purchasing power of Shanghai from all directions, and the customer pool is wide and the purchasing power is strong, which will feed the second-hand housing value in the futurePlate development is on the line!Soe's new changers are wiseThe king of online cost-performance ratio in the artisan demonstration areaSuch a high potential plate with certainty, happened to attract the deep 26 years in Shanghai [Qingpu new Changning Shui Yun name mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! Changning District strength state-owned enterprise - attention of new Changning GroupAs one of the top 50 real estate development enterprises in Shanghai, ta has won many awards for its construction projects in recent years:Hongqiao Yijingyuan Villa in the western suburbs won the "2002 Magnolia Award for Shanghai Construction Project"The Carnival Court in Gubei has won the "Shanghai Excellent Housing Innovation Award, Green Environment Award and Planning and Architecture Award".Hongqiao Jiahui, won the "three-star green building design identification certificate, [Qingpu New Changning Shui Yun Name Mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! Sea Green Building Contribution Award"Johnson Headquarters certified LEED Platinum in the United States (93 points, the highest score in Asia)Every work of New Changning Group in Shanghai is worthy of praiseSuch a brand strength and delivery of guaranteed enterprises, in the current market environment more cherishSchematic drawingEither you don't do it, you do it, it's a regional benchmarkThis time, the site of the demonstration area Zhao heavy Highway station is about 1 km in a straight line [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Name Mansion] Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! The average price of the new Changning Shui Yun Mansion is only about 3.48w/㎡Map source Baidu mapAnd, from a multi-dimensional point of view, TA's cost-effective is very significant1, the unit price "3" prefix, visible to the naked eye price advantage1) The subway is 2 stations apart, and the price difference is up to about 3.5wThe future project will be 2 stations from the demonstration zone line to QianwanFor reference, the current average price of new houses in Qianwan has reached 6.95w, and the price difference between 2 stations is about 3.5w/㎡, which is also very rare in Shanghai!Map source Baidu mapNot only that, the average price of new Changning Shuiyun Mansion is about 3.48w, or the "price depression" of the whole demonstration area.Map source Baidu map2) From a macro point of view, the price advantage is more obviousWith the west Hongqiao radiation area, Xujing 6w+, Zhao lane 5w+ [Qingpu New Changning Shui Yun name Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! Even Huaxin and Qingpu New City are in 4w+If you want to buy 3 rooms around the Great Hongqiao, you need at least 4-500wMap source Baidu mapEven if standing in the same dimension, with the Great Hongqiao as the center, the price ratio has not lostMap source Baidu mapMore importantly, the price is very advantageous, and the matching is not inferior2, on the cost, or immediately enjoy the convenient life [Qingpu new Changning Shuiyun Mansion] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful!The new houses in the same price segment are generally insufficient, but the new Changning Shuiyun Mansion is an exceptionLocation mapOn the one hand, TA benefits from Qingpu commercial and high-quality public service facilities everywhereDemonstration zone line Zhaozhong Highway station planning about 190,000 square business, [Qingpu new Changning Shuiyun name mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! Every stop along Line 17 is a shopping destinationSchematic drawingOn the other hand, the heavy solid plate where TA is located is "future".According to the plan, there are also many high-energy industries, commerce, education, etc., and the future urban interface will take on a new lookAt the same time, there are a large number of commercial and residential land waiting to be sold [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun name Mansion] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! These undoubtedly further prove that the future heavy solid will be the next focus on Qingpu plateDiagram of source reconsolidation planningThat is to enjoy the present and not afraid of the future of supporting facilities, the cost is so attractive, the new Changning Shuiyun mansion is really worth it! [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful!I had to look just before I got on the busHigh housing rate + 2 households per ladder "Kobe Type"And on this "lying flat" itemNew Changning Group still maintains ingenuity, let you live a higher experience at the same time, but also hold the winning magic weapon through the real estate cycleFrom the landscape, community planning, housing design and other aspects, compared with other new disk advantage is particularly prominent1, more livable: blue and green blend to create a water communityNowadays, buyers have high requirements for the living environment, and the living demands of living near the water and close to nature are increasingly obviousBut the price of this new natural water system is almost 500-600wSchematic drawingThe total price of new Changning Shuiyun Mansion is only 200-300w, but it enjoys a livable environment brought by natural water systemsRenderings, for reference onlyIn addition, unlike other projects in the utilization of water resources, the project fully considers how to skillfully combine the community landscape with the natural water system to create different beauty1) From the outside of the community, it is like living in a parkThe whole community blue and green blend, which is not only visual [Qingpu new Changning Shui Yun name mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! Enjoy, but also have a party directly close to the nature of the opportunity to enjoy the interactive spaceRenderings, for reference only2) After entering the community, more emphasis is placed on the participation of all age ownersIts internal landscape function is more rich, using "one belt, one core, [Qingpu new Changning Shui Yun name mansion] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! There are more than ten functional Spaces, such as meeting guests under the forest and foothill paradiseRenderings, for reference onlyThe overall landscape configuration takes into account the needs of owners of all agesMore healthy runway, let you enjoy healthy aerobic exercise in the natural river, waterfront community [Qingpu new Changning Shui Yun name mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful!Renderings, for reference only2, more fashionable: new Shanghai style, showing a diversified lifeAt the same time, in the architectural design of the project, it constantly puts forward higher aesthetic requirements for itselfSpecially hired to design the Gubei One, [Qingpu new Changning Shui Yun name mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! Shanghai Tianhua Architecture Design Co., LTD., which is responsible for SunAC Xuhui Binjiang No. 1 and other luxury homes, has created a unique new Shanghai styleThe facade is decorated with dry hanging stone, real stone paint and deep coffee color aluminum panels to enhance the texture and sophistication of the buildingRenderings, for reference onlyOf course, the quality talked about by New Changning is not only the community scale and the texture of the building, but also the internal decoration standards3, more willing to spend money: compared with other 6w+ residential hardcover standards, detailsVisible places, first-class international high-end brands:Kohler (or equivalent brand) sanitary ware, boss (or equivalent brand) gas [Qingpu new Changning Shui Yun name mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! Stove, Sakura (or equivalent brand) water heater, Gree Midea (or equivalent brand) central air conditioning...The overall configuration belongs to the superior level of the same price segment, and even enough to match 6w+ new disksLiving here, the sense of quality is beyond doubtBrand information, for reference onlyInvisible details, Xinchangning is not careless:For example, the project is built in accordance with the green 1 star standard, and the roof introduces green and environmental protection photovoltaic plate [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun name Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! The Windows are made of broken bridge aluminum alloy low-radiation insulating glass, which has better sound insulation effectAt the same time, eight security systems are used in intelligent aspects to ensure the safety of ownersRenderings, for reference only4, better apartment type: Small apartment can also live out the sense of scale of the improved levelThe new Changning Shuiyun Mansion has a total of 8 12-14F small high-rise buildings, which will launch 2-4 rooms with a construction surface of about 82-92-111-133㎡ to meet the living needs of different budget segmentsIn addition, this time to add 1, 7, 8#, the building is located near the river, and the vision is better!Housing distribution map1) "One ladder two households + no corridor design", with "ladder control"The whole project adopts the design of one ladder and two households without connecting corridors, which fundamentally solves the impact of privacy and lightingWhile the environment is more quiet, there is a ladder control system in the elevator to ensure safety and independence. [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : The beauty of the hard cover mansion!Compared with the general housing type of about 72-75% of the housing rate, the project also has extraordinary advantages, compared with the same area segment of the housing type, so that owners feel comparable to the sense of living experienceRenderings, for reference only2) "Kobe type" design with large face width + large balcony① The main push 3 room has 3 area segments, unified aircraft housing design, make full use of spaceThe space arrangement of the aircraft apartment is abundant but not wasted, and every square meter is utilized to a greater extentThe dining room, living room, kitchen and balcony are connected to each other, reducing the presence of aisles and further improving the space utilization of the interiorNorth-south transparent full Ming design, pattern to achieve the real north-south transparent, [Qingpu new Changning Shuiyun name mansion] official【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!
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